Monday, August 21, 2006

Our first group trip to our project in Dominican Republic was great!
They painted happy faces on children's hands, made bracelets. The singer of the musical group, Contagious, sang to the children. All the town united, over 500 in all! That is our main mission friends. To make relationships with these families. At times, I have to eat and drink stuff that scares me, but the poor are very sensitive people.

When I first began these missionstrips in 2001, I thought I was blessed, and they weren't . But after returning so many times lately, I can see that its the other way around. The love, the attention, the smiles, the warmth we all receive from them is amazing! The 35 youth had a great time. They all showered together in the river. They took extra money to bless the citizens. And so, I took them to the school I had visited in April which was falling apart. It was scary to even walk in it. But this group donated the new school and in 3 days the old one was demolished and the new one was up and running!

One thing I learned, as a non profit foundation, we didn't want our heart to become selfish, thinking and only giving to our project in the Dominican Republic. So we decided to visit other countries and help other children, of other cultures. The doors to Colombia opened. A country were 70% of the children are abused emotionally, and physically. We gave 35 days to this country, to its families and children. We got to see a 17 year old beaten up by her uncle. It was one of our most difficult trips, as well as rewarding.

We returned July 2nd, and July 3rd we headed off to our project in D.R. The way we see it, because we gave somewhere else, we received so much in our project. I encourage you today, the saying is true, "its better to give then to receive" help us, by sponsoring our mission trips. Airline tickets, transportation, meals in the mission field. We have close to 300lbs of clothing, but, can't do more then trip bi monthly. Hope you consider helping us monthly.

Thank you for visiting!


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