Friday, August 18, 2006

Hello everyone and welcome to our new blog!
Many of you already receive our email updates and here at this space we'd like to invite you to share thoughts, ideas and suggestions. We hope to make it a place where we can get to know you better and for you to get to know us and our work and most importantly to get closer to the children and the people that we work with. It may seem that they are the ones receiving blessings but in fact we are the ones being blessed by having the oportunity to help them. We'd like to invite you to share these blessings and miracles with us.

In this blog we hope to give you real time updates on all the exciting new happenings! Many more pictures to show glimpses into the lives of the children and families that we work with. You can now sign up right on the side bar to receive email notification each time this blogs is updated. (And we hope to have brand new updates at least once a week!!)

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